Where Do We Go From Here?

November 2012

11-7 – We woke up this morning to a very different country in one way or the other. The reality is, we are not sure what all this will mean to the next generation; but based on the past four years the state of this union is yet to be determined. As I looked at the map of the electorate it became clear to me that we have become a broken and divided nation. The Mississippi Valley was solid Red, and at the time the Northeast and west were all blue. Over the past few days Florida and other states have been added to the Blue states. I have become acutely aware that the Mississippi Valley represents the heartland and bread basket of America and it gives me great joy to know that they mostly got it right. I am proud of my southern heritage and do not desire to live anywhere else. That said, this picture speaks of a much deeper problem than we know and if the blue states represented the blocked and damaged arteries of the heart of this nation, we all know what that means in the natural. Based on this understanding I am shifting my prayers to a more proactive approach to surgically removing the blockage and thereby healing the broken heart of this damaged nation. We must now shift our focus to the Holy Nation, by representing the Father’s heart to the next generation. We need to get serious about advancing His Kingdom in our lifetime. We must move past our anger and disappointment and focus our intent on making a lasting difference, thereby changing the worlds in which we live. We have a real opportunity to represent the solution and continued bantering about our disapproval will only lead to more confusion and disillusionment.

Proverbs 16:32 ESV Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

11-9 – The following is a summary of what I have been hearing loud and clear for 2012 and it should serve to help us get through 2013 and beyond. There are still a number of world changing events coming and we must be willing to take the initiative necessary to insure the safety and security of our future. It is time to get serious about the reality of a weakened global economy and realize that whatever happens here and now could most certainly have adverse effects there and then. We must not allow the agents of disinformation or the government controlled news media to be the iambic pentameter of our forward and upward movement. It is past time for us to move on as we find our true north by being about our Father’s business. I encourage you to shift in your thinking, make the turn in your heart, and together we will rise to take the day. I am asking you stand in agreement with me, that we will arrive at a better Kingdom conclusion, and by this time next year our journey and landscape will look very different.

Isaiah 48:6-7 AMP You have heard [these things foretold], now you see this fulfillment. And will you not bear witness to it? I show you specified new things from this time forth, even hidden things [kept in reserve] which you have not known.  They are created now [called into being by the prophetic word], and not long ago; and before today you have never heard of them, lest you should say, Behold, I knew them!

> Yahweh is doing a new thing and it is about becoming firmly rooted and grounded in our identity as sons.

> Yahweh is in the process of releasing the eternal inheritance of His sons.

> Yahweh is giving us grace to lose interest in the many things, so we can focus on what is important.

(It is not an excuse to be incompetent or irresponsible; but it is the strength to say NO)

> We must begin to ask the right questions in order to arrive at the correct conclusions.

Question: Where do we go from here? The answer to that question is already available to those who are hearing and obeying the voice of the Spirit.

> We have come to the end of an era, an epoch event is happening NOW!

A great awakening is taking place around the world and the sons of Yahweh are arising to take their place at the Father’s table.

(The Father’s table is where He shares His heart with us and where we share His heart with one another)

>We are sons of Yahweh and the consummation of all things is upon us. This generation will arrive at a better conclusion concerning His eternal Kingdom.

> We need to prepare our hearts and make ready our houses to receive the influx and increase of people that are coming to us.

Ref. (Recent happenings and events in Charlotte and Minnesota)

Ref. ( Recent reports from around the world are coming in through former Muslims who claim that Yahshua is personally coming to them in their dreams and visions, revealing Himself by name, as the  true Son of Yahweh. Consequently, they are coming to a saving knowledge of the truth and converting from Islam. Who would have thought? GLORY! GLORY! GLORY to Yahweh!

> Some of us are up for promotion.  The good news is, if you are at the bottom, UP represents a promotion, and the not so good news is, promotion at any level comes with more responsibility and accountability, and there is always the potential for both greater reward and consequence.

Question: Have you ever felt like something is missing?

“We have become who we are apart from Him, and now we have grown accustomed to operating and functioning without the presence of His power in our daily lives” blh

It is time to go big or go home!

> We have all come into ‘The Way’ from diverse backgrounds, and at a time appointed by the Father. He chooses the time and place, and He grants us the grace to repent. One thing Yahweh drove home to me is, the way out is in, and the way up is down. He told me early on that I was bought with a price and my life is not my own. There are no self-made men. We are no more than the sum total of our life experiences and what we have become in Him by the work and operation of Holy Spirit.

> We are moving into a time of exponential, exuberant growth, and we must be prepared to continue to lay our lives down for the greater purpose of the Kingdom. The increase is coming to those who are prepared and ready to receive the influx of new and battle-torn people from all walks of life. There is a mass exodus taking place right now in two arenas of life.

(Those who have grown weary and frustrated with Western Christendom and those who had been marinating and maturing in the wilderness)


> We will either be a part of the movement of Yahweh in planet earth, or our forward progress will slow to a halt, as we are immobilized.

‘The Seventh Wave Is Here’ (In the natural, the seventh wave is usually bigger than the previous six)

> We will either catch the next wave, or we will be caught in the undertow and carried out to sea!

> We Are The Movement!

We must emerge representing the movement of Yahweh to this generation, or be left standing in the dust created by the momentum of Kingdom advancement,

> We Are The Next Wave!

We must go forth the power of the next wave, or we will become a part of the debris and foam that washes ashore in the coming days.

> We Are The Glory Bringing Hope!

We must come to grips with the reality that we represent the glory bringing hope to this generation, and we must fully embrace the responsibility of making a lasting difference in our lifetime.

“Sonship is our destiny and our inheritance is wrapped up in discovery” blh