Divine Healing & Deliverance

In this present reality the power gifts and manifestations of Holy Spirit will be reactivated in and through the lives of those who understand that they are an important part of the ongoing work of the ministry today.

There are a lot of people in this generation who are sick beyond the treatment and care of the miracle of medicine. Those same people have have been demonized for years and they are being tormented day and night by a spirit of infirmity.

Note: We need to rethink our position concerning so-called genetically predisposed and environmental sickness and disease.

Healing and deliverance was a big part of the ministry of Yahshua and He said, if by the SPIRIT and FINGER of Yahweh I cast or drive out demons, the kingdom of Yahweh has come unto and upon you. He also said, that Yahweh is kind to the unthankful and evil.

Ref. Matthew 12:28 & Luke 11:20 & Luke 6:35

Note: Healing and deliverance is a part of the full comprehensive plan of Salvation and the same faith that saved us will heal and deliver us. Divine healing, health and living is ours for the claiming and it is time for us receive the extensive coverage of all of His benefits.

Note: Hearing and Miracles are a part of our history, heritage and legacy. Yahshua is the same, yesterday, today and forever. By His stripes we were and are healed.

That being said, if we repeatedly need healing and deliverance for the same problems, it could be because of willful sin and disobedience.

The body is hard wired for healing, health and wholeness. It is up to us to do what we can to help it work like a carefully oiled machine. Restoring balance and harmony to our lives is Germaine to soundness and optimum health. Also, there are things we can do to unlock the LIFE that is contained in the DNA of Yahweh at the cellular level. By the word of the Spirit of Life and Truth, we can and will experience divine living by Faith.

Note: Everything that has Atomic Weight has a resonate frequency. There are frequencies and tones that can be used to reset our bodies to the default setting of optimum health.

Note: Most of what we eat is filled with processed sugar, salt, polyunsaturated fat, preservatives and other carcinogens. We all need to modify what we are eating and add 90 essential minerals to our diets.

Start with Vitamin D, Tumeric and Cinnamon.

Recommend Reading;

Life or Death – Blake Higginbotham

Dead Drs. Don’t Lie – Joel Wallach



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“If making a difference is optional, very little difference will be made.”

There is no Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, or Independent, division or branch of the Kingdom of Yahweh. There is only ONE house that Yahshua is building and it is the Father’s house. We are a part of that house or we are homeless, derelict and wayward.

The system lords of the institution  are operating like a drug cartel and we are still divided, separated and powerless to change the worlds in which we live.

The sons of the Kingdom are waking up to the reality that there is nothing to be gained by acting like rival gangs engaged in a turf war.

War must awake to the reality of who we are NOT before we can fully embrace our destiny as sons of the Kingdom. We are not entire or complete  apart from Him and one another.


Have you seen this trailer and DVD series. If not, I believe that it would be a good way to reach to and encourage the brotherhood in our regions. We are engaged in the conflict of the ages and our future is in jeopardy. I regret to report that the battle against pornography  (Soft and Hard Core) and it’s obvious generational effects is not going that well. We can either face this enemy together, or many of our brothers and friends will fall prey to this marriage, family and lineage wrecking spirit of wickedness.
It is time for us to get real, come clean and deal in truth with our own hearts concerning the reality of lust, sexual desire and addition to pornography.
What say you?


Kingdom Power & Authority – The Book


It is my hope that this book will serve to further clarify a few things concerning what it means for the economy of Heaven to invade planet earth and what the landscape will look like after it terraforms the worlds in which we live. This book explores that reality from a Kingdom perspective based on a better understanding of the original intent and the eternal now. It is my prayer that this book will challenge those reading it to move away from a conceptual understanding of a coming Kingdom and help them arrive at a better conclusion concerning what it means to be a responsible Kingdom citizen, living in the King’s Domain. The Kingdom has come, is coming and will come in the future. His Kingdom is and Eternal Kingdom and of the increase of His Government there shall be no end. Please know that this book is not being written from a futuristic or strictly preteristic point of view, and I am not attempting to set dates or establish precedent concerning the view from my vantage point. Simply put, I have come to understand that it has always been about the Spirit and Everlasting Covenant of the Kingdom.   ‘As it is Heaven, so it is in Earth’

 “If the Kingdom is being advanced at any level it represents increase.”

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000034_00025]

NOW AVAILABLE! (Paperback or Kindle)

Click here to acquire a copy of this book today! 

How To Conquer the Porn Epidemic in the Church

As sobering and mind-boggling as this report is, I found myself questioning it from the perspective of being a man, son & father.

It appears that it is suggesting that porn is less of a spiritual and moral issue and more of a brain chemistry issue, and that it should be dealt with in much the same way you would deal with any other addictions or psychological problems. That being said, I am not sure that this approach will work in a society and culture that is riddled with sexual dysfunction and confusion. Counseling and a support groups may help for a season, but I believe that this issue speaks to a much deeper spiritual issue that has somehow been disregarded. The real issue as I see it is that the religion of christianity and church attendance has taken the place of real and living relationships with both Yahweh and other men. To be honest with you, I am not sure what percentage of these men have been born-again or filled with the Spirit, and I am not sure whether they have any brothers and friends who can speak to how-to avoid going down this path. I am not sure they understand the reality of a transformed mind, or the ongoing work of Holy Spirit. The truth is, we all are exposed to sensual and pornographic images on a daily, weekly & monthly basis. In the long run, it will be up to us to make a conscious decision to try to lessen and avoid our exposure, and be there for one another whenever we have an opportunity to openly table this issue with one another. Things usually do not become epidemics without exposure and contact. We need to connect the dots and help one another conquer the demon of porn.

Read the entire article:



Where Are You?

I have come to understand that it is not enough to simply be born-again by the Spirit. The truth is, our spirits are regenerated, our souls are being renewed and our bodies are becoming a living sacrifice.

Many people have prayed the sinner’s prayer and accepted Jesus as Savior who continue to live their lives out of their souls or the carnal dictates of the flesh.

My concern is, what will happen when they wake up at the end of the day and discover that most of their life has been lived around the need for provision, protection and recognition?

(In Messiah Yahshua) 

2 Corinthians 13:5-6 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Yahshua Messiah is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! I hope you will find out that we have not failed the test. ESV

2 Peter 1:10 Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. ESV

> My understanding is established in the Eternal Now.

> My Theology is Kingdom

> My Doctrine is the practical application thereof.

Note: It is important to know where you are in relationship to where you are going.

“You can’t move forward looking back” blh

Understanding the trichotomy of man  

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 – Now may the Elohim of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Sovereign Yahshua Messiah. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it. ESV

The tripartite man – Spirit , Soul & Body

“We are a spirit being, we have a soul and we live in a body”

Spirit – Life or Breath of Yahweh

Note: The spirit of man is the part that is most like Yahweh. The son in him responds to the voice and word of the Spirit.

Titus 3:1-7 Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of Elohim our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Yahshua Messiah our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

Soul – Mind, Will & Emotions

Note: The soul of man is what gives us individual identity. The orphan in him reacts to his environment and outside influences.

Colossians 1:21-22 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, ESV

Body – Temple, Earth tuxedo, Vehicle

Note: The body is the part that gives us mobility, sensory perception and human experiences. The body is subject to both the spirit and the soul of man.

Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of Yahweh, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Yahweh, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of Yahweh, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ESV

Real & Living Relationship


(amazon.com – paperback – kindle-ePub-online/printable)

If we are going to be properly aligned, we must find others at a point of agreement whereby we can begin to embrace one another in the work. The power of agreement is far too important for us to leave to assumption or to relegate to mental assent. The degree to which we agree to be aligned is the degree to which we will form lasting alliances within the Ekklesia. It also speaks of the great need for mature believers and spiritual leaders to begin to come together for His greater Kingdom purpose.


New Book Release!

HOLY DAYS ~Vs~ Christianized Pagan Celebrations

(amazon.com –  paperback – Full and Compact Editions)
This book has been out-of-print for the past several years, and that due to the fact, that I have been engaged in other projects and ventures. I chose to keep it archived until now, and kept it squirreled away in a folder because I wanted to reassess my position based on what I presently believe to be true. I also wanted to take the pressure off of those who hold to a completely different viewpoint concerning this topic. After closer examination and a lengthy time to reflect, I am not sure that my decision to withdraw this material was indeed practical or useful.