Kingdom Power & Authority – The Book


It is my hope that this book will serve to further clarify a few things concerning what it means for the economy of Heaven to invade planet earth and what the landscape will look like after it terraforms the worlds in which we live. This book explores that reality from a Kingdom perspective based on a better understanding of the original intent and the eternal now. It is my prayer that this book will challenge those reading it to move away from a conceptual understanding of a coming Kingdom and help them arrive at a better conclusion concerning what it means to be a responsible Kingdom citizen, living in the King’s Domain. The Kingdom has come, is coming and will come in the future. His Kingdom is and Eternal Kingdom and of the increase of His Government there shall be no end. Please know that this book is not being written from a futuristic or strictly preteristic point of view, and I am not attempting to set dates or establish precedent concerning the view from my vantage point. Simply put, I have come to understand that it has always been about the Spirit and Everlasting Covenant of the Kingdom.   ‘As it is Heaven, so it is in Earth’

 “If the Kingdom is being advanced at any level it represents increase.”

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