
Forgiveness is a three step process.

1). Forgive yourself.

 Note: No matter what has happened you must be able to forgive yourself.

2). Forgive what happened.

Note: No matter what happened you must for the act, event, situation or circumstance

3). Forgive the offender or perpetrator.

 Note: It may take some time or a lifetime; but if you do not go through the process of receiving forgiveness and forgiving, you will carry a heavy burden that will keep the offence and offender imprisoned in your heart.

 Note: Three things that you must do in order to be able to receive forgiveness be forgiving

Remember that if any of us got what we deserved, we would be eternally separated from the love and presence of Yahweh. (HELL)

You must receive the full embrace of the Fathers love and forgiveness.

You must forgive in a way that reflects the reality that you truly understand what it means to be forgiven.